Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Buwan Ng Wika

Buwan Ng Wika

Ang Buwan ng Wika ay isang pagdiriwang sa Pilipinas na ginaganap tuwing buwan ng Agosto. Kadalasang ipinagdiriwang ang Buwan ng Wika sa mga paaralan. Kaugnay nito, maraming mga kaganapan ang ginagawa upang ipagdiwang ito, gaya ng sabayang pagbigkas, balagtasan, paggawa ng slogan, paggawa ng mga sanaysay, pagbigkas ng mga tula, pagsasayaw ng mga katutubong sayaw, pag-awit ng mga katutubong awit at marami pa ring ibang laro na pinanggalian sa Pilipinas.

Ang sinuot ko naman ay isang Baro’t Saya. Ang Baro't Saya ay ang pambansang kasuotang pambabae ng Pilipinas na binubuo ng manipis at binurdahang pang-itaas, at palda o saya na makulay at kadalasang guhitan.

Ang mga kabigain ko ay nag suot din nga mga ito. Sila ang mga kasama ko sa araw na iyon at kami namang tatlo sa kaibigan ko ay nagluluto para sa aming kompetition at ang iba naman ay nag lalaro ng mga larong pang pinoy.


Wednesday, August 17, 2016

A Love To Fight

A Love to Fight

A boy named Theo had a best friend named Marian. They love one another, but more than friends, they don’t know that both of them had feelings for each other since they were too young. Theo’s family lived in America while Marian’s lived in the Philippines. Every summer Theo came back to Marian’s house just to visit her if she’s fine, and to hang out so that moments would be memories again.

They had a great time. That in every single day they could have spent their smiles for each other. One day when Theo’s father had cancer, Theo never did come back to the Philippines again, Marian felt miserable. She waited for the next summer if he would come back, but he didn’t. So Marian would never expect if Theo would come back again. The next 2 summers passed, as Marian woke up, she saw Theo waiting for her, handling flowers and chocolates. Marian’s heart was delighted, but she let Theo saw a disappointed face. Theo asked if she would accept his sorry about what happened, but Marian was afraid again to let go for him. And also Theo did have the same feeling. Marian just said to Theo that, “well it’s okay then” but Theo feel incomplete about what Marian said to him.

One day the father of Theo told him that they would go to America again, Marian never did had a choice but to tell her feelings back to him with tears in her eyes. Theo was surprised with a great smile on his face. Theo did tell Marian that he loved her so much since they were kids back then.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Simple Dreams

Me Myself and I
I am too simple because I have a plain sailing life, undemanding dreams, uncomplicated family and a simple feeling called love.
Maybe you think that you are different from everyone, yes we do! we have unique ways in our lives and it’s normal to have this kind of feelings. We might have different stories in life, it might be difficult or easy but don't even try to quit.
But for me? I have my own story too. Life goes on and on, and we must know how to face it.
My goals in my life are to visit other places or to have some adventures because when we travel, we learn new things and we can discover new things as a person. I want to help others even if I don’t have that enough money to give for them, a simple donation will help. I also want to create my own family in the future and let them also discover what life is. 

I have countless dreams but for me, it would come true if I work hard so that I could achieve those goals.

Monday, August 15, 2016

My family is my source of strength

My family is my strength

My family is my one supportive and number one fan. They might be different from yours, but for me, they are the most unique parents and cousins of all. There love is different because it’s a big package of care, patience, love, and more. 

My family is not small because I have my aunties, uncles, and cousins. We love adventures and we spend the time having fun exploring the new things, and as crazy and happy is that it make moments turn into memories. My cousins are like my source of air because for me they're always there when I need them, like when I fall in the stairs or on the floor, they laugh at me first and then help me stand up. They even crack jokes, dance like a duck and sings like a professional singer even though it's out of tune sometimes 

But for me, they are also one big package of talents because, they know how to use instruments, dance, sing, they can be a clown and etc.
They are my family, we live, laugh, eat, go to other places together.
 And I'm proud to tell all of you that we are a Happy Family Together and Always.

 Fam Bam! <3

Me time

Me Time

Me? Who am I? What am I doing here? And what’s my purpose of living in this world.
Well maybe, the answers to my question are those people that surround me. The people who won’t care for you or the people who are giving problems to your life are just temporary.
Most people now don’t know how to appreciate little things in life. And maybe that’s my purpose staying in this world, I just want them to appreciate things in life even though it’s not that much. We people, we are not perfect, we all do have mistakes, but always remember that those mistakes let you know how to start a new one again.
Things would be different if you don’t know how to handle your attitude and feelings. That’s why I don’t have time thinking about the things that are unnecessary. I focus on things that are very important, especially my life goals, exchanging what my parents gave to me and also graduating in college. Life goes on and on, and we know we could get through this situation.
We are made by God because, each one of us has a purpose, maybe for inspiring others or maybe the one who could save the day, and more. So just be patient and be your own unique self. 


Sunday, August 7, 2016

Sisters by blood and heart

My Family

I have two sisters. When we don’t have any assignments or homework, we like to play childhood games, watch funny videos together, dancing and more kinds of stuff. Back in the childhood days, I and my oldest sister always want to play outdoor games, we don’t care if we come home with bruises, scratch, difficulty in walking and more. All we care is all about how fun the day was, and what did we learn. Having two sisters are fun, but sometimes we fight, but we all know as a family, it would just come back to its own way of treatment. Life is better having a sister/brother because they are the one who defends you in every fight…
I’m proud of having this kind of sisters because they just stay in the same way.
My older sister now is already a 3rd-year college student taking pharmacy course and my younger sister now is already in third grade

In the near future, all of you just want to help one another. So let hate step aside and let love win your heart <3

 Throwback with my sistahs!!

Saturday, August 6, 2016

My Friends


Friends? I also treat them as my second family. If for others they think that I may be fake LOL no I’m not, being nice to someone you dislike doesn’t mean you’re fake, it means that you are mature enough to control your emotions. Life would be boring without a crazy friend, I had one! And I think she’s doing that just to make others laugh, sometimes they do things not just for them, but also for everybody. I had a crazy squad, and even though sometimes we cannot go bond with each other, it’s okay for us, because a strong friendship doesn’t need a daily conversation or being together. As long as the relationship lives in the true heart, true friends would never be apart.

Throwback!! Graduation day and field trip 

Friday, August 5, 2016

Family is LOVE

Family is LOVE
I could say that we're rich, you know why? It’s because we're rich in tenderness and deep affection, in short, we love each other. We help one another, we care for each other's health, and more.
Sometimes we cannot really bond with one another because sometimes we're too busy with our assignments and they are busy in doing their personal problems. But we know that a simple problem can be fixed if we solve it together. Your family is the most important and precious gift you’ve received in this world, they don’t deserve to be forgotten, because when we're young, they were the one who always managed you, they were the one who let you know things in life since you were young. Our parents were our first teacher who taught us good thoughts and how would life go on. They are the first one who wants to let us know what would be the effect of that problem.

“Families are like branches of the tree, we all grow in different directions, yet our roots remain the same.”

Complete picture

Just me and the both of them

Bonding with them


Thursday, August 4, 2016

me time

Me Time
We all have goals in life that we waited for years. But before getting that goal, we must undergo hardships and struggles in life. Life is not simple to deal with, we even have the deepest secrets that we never tell to the people, even those close ones, we never did tell a single part of it.
But sometimes if we made a mistake, we learn something new to it. Life is too simple but we insist to make it complicated.
This picture was the best take and the most precious thing that I ever had because this day was so memorable for me
I even remembered thanking all of the teachers who taught me things that I didn’t know because, without them, we cannot learn anything. And I am also grateful to my parents who always supported me when I'm in trials and hardships that right now it went through. Because without their everlasting support I wouldn't receive any certificates or awards. Also, I thank God for guiding me and for enlightening me when I am struggling and in downfall.
“Education is most the powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Batchmates: Friends; Family

My Friends
Good friends are like stars, you don’t always see them but you know they’re always there. Most of them judge you, but sometimes you must also consider it, because sometimes they are also one of the biggest motivators in your life that keeps you going.
You don’t need too many friends to be happy. Just a few of them will appreciate you for who you are.
We also, have that goal in life, but I’m sure that one of them will also join you to go out with your friends in your favorite country not unless you'll invite them. They may not be the best friend, but you must also call them as your best partner in crime in the life of your childhood.

Some of them just come and go, but we all know that life is also doing that to us just to know who the real ones are.

Monday, August 1, 2016

My life without technology

 My Life without Technology

If I could imagine my life without a technology, everything would be different without it, because in this generation most people now focus on social media, online games and more. And I would also notice that mountains will be not bald, air could escape from pollution and the ocean, sea, and rivers becomes clean. Other people would also not be updated from other new stuffs. And us people will discover new things in real life that has not been discovered in social media, but only in my opinion.

My life without technology will be also a little good because when you disconnect with technology, your friends, family, and etc. would reconnect to you again. And my daily routine is that, I will help my parents without the use of technology. Hunt some animals to live, and create new things to have light, house, hunting tools and to survive without the use of technology. Life would also be boring without it because you cannot talk directly to the people that is far from you. Technology is hard to forget because you were there in that generation.

The Greatest Showman Movie Review for School Project

  The Greatest Showman  The greatest show on Earth, yet it's never enough, Never! Never! ♪♫ Every human being with dreams always aims fo...