Sunday, November 3, 2019

The Iliad and Odyssey; The bloodshed of Greeks and Trojans

The Chaotic Beauty 

Helen of Sparta;
 Most beautiful woman
The Trojan war is a mythological battle. It was a battle between the people of Greece and the people of the city of troy. The gods and goddesses were always bickering. Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite wanted to know who was the fairest out of them. Prince Paris of Troy had been chosen to give the golden apple to the fairest goddess. 
Aphrodite said to Paris to give her the golden apple. She said she would give him, Helen.  the most beautiful woman. Immediately Paris gave Aphrodite the golden apple and Aphrodite then kidnapped Helen.


Achilles is exceptional he has everything you'd want to expect for a warrior. He is brave, loyal, strong, and confident. He is the son of the sea nymph Thetis and mortal named Peleus. 
The war began 10 years ago when Helen of Sparta was stolen away by the Trojan Prince Paris. Troy, besieged by King Agamemnon and his Greek army. The stubborn king offends the Greeks' best warrior, Achilles by claiming his spoil of war the maiden Briseis. Achilles leaves the battlefield, honor affronted. So Achilles' mother Thetis asks Zeus to let the Trojans have the upper hand to show the Greeks they need her son. There's a truce although Paris a lover, not a warrior is almost killed in a duel with Helen's husband. Heading into battle, Trojan champion Hector says an emotional goodbye to his wife and child. The fighting continued, spurred on by the Gods, and the Trojans are winning. Achilles still refuses to fight, but the Greeks know their rivals fear him. So his best friend Patroclus tries to fool the Trojans by wear Achilles' armor, yet he is killed in battle by Hector.  Achilles got furious and he vows revenge wearing his newly fashioned armor by Hephaestus, the blacksmith god. He then re-enters the battle and slays Hector. Still incensed Achilles defiles Hectors' corpse. This angers Zeus and he helps Hector's father Priam to find Achilles and beg for Hector's body. Priam reminds Achilles of his own father an the two weep together, mourning the vagaries of war. And the story ends with Hector's funeral and mourning at Troy 


The Odyssey starts with a nymph, a King and the aftermath of war at Troy. It has been a decade since Odysseus left for his home Ithaca after the Trojan War. For 7 years he's been ensnared by the nymph Calypso, but he's pining for his wife Penelope and son Telemachus. The goddess Athena is rather a fan of Odysseus. She persuades her father Zeus to compel Calypso to free him. 

He's been gone for 20 years feared dead and Penelope's fending off 108 suitors. She says she'll marry one when she finishes her weaving. Telemachus searches for new but, meanwhile, a higher power plots his father's downfall. The sea god Poseidon really dislikes Odysseus. And Odysseus is left stranded once more in Scheria.  But Odysseus entrances his host, the Phaeacians, with tales of his Odyssey and his many escapes from, the cyclops Polyphemus, the sorceress Circe, the sirens, the supernatural Scylla and the whirlpool of Charybdis. And the reward of his stirring story is going back home.
As he went home,  Odysseus needs to stay incognito. Ever helpful, Athena turns him into a beggar and reunited with his son they celebrate by agreeing Penelope's suitors must die. The fair Penelope arranges a competition she'll marry whoever can string Odysseus's huge bow. The suitors lose more than a contest. Odysseus is home, and Ithaca is his again. Athena celebrates, Poseidon doesn't. Odysseus is in the clear and ready for life with Penelope

It was also mentioned that the Trojans had big walls protecting them from the Greeks. The Greeks then made a wooden horse and gave it to the Trojans. The Trojans took the horse inside their walls. They thought the horse was a surrender gift. But inside the horse were the Greeks. While the Trojans slept the Greeks came out and defeated the Trojans.

In life, you should be careful owing to the fact that there are a lot a trickster in this world. You may think that the person who's attached to you will always be there. You don't know that one day the person will use all your weaknesses. So better be an observant and always be courageous  even if you only got yourself


Adam and Eve; The Tree of Knowledge

The temptation of the forbidden fruit

The man was purely made by mud and God made him Adam. And since Adam felt lonely even if he was given everything, he was alone, nothing that God has created could be partnered. So God made Eve out of his rib. 

Adam and Eve being ashamed
As the snake tempts Eve to eat the forbidden fruit, even if they were told by God in the first place that they should stay away from the tree of knowledge. Yet Eve still took the forbidden fruit and let Adam taste it after her. The next thing, they were asleep out of its emptiness and were awakened as they heard a voice coming from the above. They got tricked by the snake and now they got quilty for not obeying the rule. Now they were given consequences in which they will leave the garden of Eden and they will work hard for a living, suffer and grow their own food from the soil of the earth. That they should take care of themselves for they now know what is right and wrong and lastly, they will die.

As we all know, think before you do an action since regret always comes from the last. Temptation itself is not a sin, but being tempted in that particular situation makes it a sin. Temptation comes from anywhere and anyone, yet having a strong faith makes you a winner a single act can really do create a big impact on all. We should be contented of what we have and even if you have everything, we should not take it as an advantage to do 

It's normal to be curious that's why we ask someone for answers, but too much curiosity could lead to troubles. So the best thing we could do is just to observe things. Knowing that you should abide by the word of God or by someone, you should do your best for they have trust in you.

The Theogony of Hesiod; The power and the inhumane act

Surviving a terrible solution

Kronus was terrified that he will be overthrown by one of his children after Gaia narrates the prophecy. And yet, Kronus solved this by partaking his children one by one. Gaia on the other hand, gave Kronos' children for him to eat even if it's alive but little did Kronos know before Gaia lend the fifth child, Zeus, she replaced him with a rock.

These types of actions are insane for a father to do unreal things to his children. Power over blood is the only thing that Kronos has applied to the story. Power makes us greedy to the point we're obsessed which makes us want to possess or reign without any mercy to the people. The fear of losing his throne made him out his knowledge, that he was already eating his own bloodline.

Even until now, there are some countries or states wherein they legalized cannibalism. Humans to animals or vice versa is a common thing, but human eating to its the same kind should not be allowed.

Sometimes we do have to accept things we can't have. There is no permanent in life because the only permanent here is change. Don't get too easily be furious on things, give yourself a peace of mind. You can change your path but your life is like a book and it has already been written. You might get some twist but it'll end up the same as what the book tells. We should give space on things we supposed to not own nor disturb someone's business yet, just focus on your own matters in life.

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