Thursday, October 31, 2019

Is Trojan War a Fallacy or a Factuality?

War shows us to be strong than we ever thought we would be, it tests our mental, physical, emotional, spiritual and other aspects that are required in a trial. There are no winners in a war unless there is a survivor, so you need to be all out on the battlefield. You have to sacrifice something for you to live. Beyond changes may have been created a war. Some people who are under with that situation doesn't have any choice than to fight in the battle

The Greek poet Homer was born sometime between the 12th and 8th centuries BC, possibly somewhere on the coast of Asia Minor. He is famous for the epic poems The Iliad and The Odyssey, which have had an enormous effect on Western culture, but very little is known about their alleged author. Scholars believed that behind the stories that were tackled, there must be a grain of historical truth. A journalist named Charles Malaren was a believer he is a journalist and a geologist. Malaren was the first one to publish a detailed topographical study of the place named Hisarlik, which is derived from the Turkish word "fortress". Before he could explore any further, during that time the Crimean War broke. After the war has ended, he began to survey the site, but he lacked the funds for excavation. But then an archeologist Heinrich Schliemann came in. Heinrich excavated since he was eager to find the ancient city. He dug all the way to the base of the hill, and there he found a lot of precious artifacts. Heinrich took the credit for the discovery. But they later realized that the mound has consisted of 9 cities. And scholars still dispute whether the Trojan War as described by Homer ever happened. Yet the evidence is strong enough that UNESCO has labeled Hislark the archeological site of Troy.

Life has given us challenges and it has no choices, it goes out to anybody. So for you to solve this you just need to see it from different angles. You don't need to plant hatred from yourself because it won't help you, instead, you should convert your problems into a stepping stone for you to become a strong person. We want to live in peace so we must not create chaos. Let the right thing rule and be an ideal model this world needs. And yes indeed, big matters come from small points.

We don't actually know if the Trojan War is real or not but it left us lessons, we should always think first before doing some insane stuff that could lead everyone including yourself in danger. It's normal to create mistakes but we should repent in facing the consequences.

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