Tuesday, August 27, 2019

DESIDERATA ; Happiness

 Happiness comes in different forms and ways, but I believe happiness is just temporary. Just like what Mother Teresa said, that happiness and joy are different. Happiness can also mean a feeling of inner peace. Happiness is a cure or medicine to the soul. Being happy is sometimes limited because there is that part of our mind that if we encounter happiness, maybe there is also a consequence afterward. In our mindset, if we have freedom for sure there is also an exchange. So for me, happiness does not last long unless you know how to balance it. Life does not focus on the positive side but also on the most challenging parts, since there we can learn new things that we thought we can't handle. 

"Do not compare yourself to others; for you may become vain and bitter; for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself"This line made me realize that we must be grateful for who we are. If you always see life's misery and you're stuck on always keeping an eye on the negative side, then your heart will always be full of anger. There will be no harmony at all if you always conceive hatred as your partner. Appreciate little things for those who are your source of strength. Be contented and live simply. Don't boast too much in which it's too distracting and maybe it will come to the point where people find it nonsense already. Be humble and be kind, learn to love everything and understand the cycle and the meaning of life, just go with the flow and be positive.

This poem helps me to ease everything. Learn to breathe in and breathe out. Be patient because life takes a step by step process, you can't skip any upcoming struggles because if you tend to skip one, I believe that everything will fall apart. Each obstacle gives a life-changing outcome for us to be a better person. The poem also made me realize how truly life works, it isn't about pleasant rides but also there are always tough ones. But the most important thing is that we must also take a break and be happy, even though happiness takes responsibility.

We should correct our own mistakes, for we are the masters of ourselves. We should learn and fix it and those mistakes will be a lesson that we should not forget so that those lessons will be applied to our upcoming challenges to become a better person. And always have faith in God, for he knows what is he doing for ourselves.  

- By Dave S. Deguinon 

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